From the air, the world below unfolds like a living atlas and with the topography of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, the revelations are many.

In an effort to educate the community, the Ambergris Caye Citizens for Sustainable Development (ACCSD) invited the media to an early morning flyover of San Pedro to get a first hand view of the developments in progress on the island. The flyover was conducted by EcoFlight, an environmental organization based in Aspiring, Colorado in the USA specialized in flights for conservation.

The flyover took the media over the proposed South Beach Belize Development south of Ambergris Caye, the major construction over the leeward side of the island, a few of the developments north of the Caye, the entire San Pedro town area as well as Hol Chan Marine Reserve.

Ecoflight is a non-profit organization that has been conducting conservation flights in various part of the world in an effort to promote the protection of the environment.