The Vision of the San Pedro Town Council
To achieve autonomy and provide improvement in the quality of life of all the residents of San Pedro Town by promoting sustainable growth and development and protecting our Tourism Industry.
The San Pedro Town Council will work under the principles of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness and honesty in order to obtain the necessary infrastructure, establish systems, to promote the growth of the Tourism Industry in Belize and the San Pedro Community. All services provided, will aim to improve the quality of life of the residents of San Pedro Town, without prejudice to Gender, Ethnicity, Religious, or Political Party affiliation.
Designed and developed the Mayor and her team, the vision & mission were officially unveiled and mounted on the wall of the San Pedro Town Council office on Thursday, March 20, 2010. It was indeed a historic moment, as it acknowledges the fact that San Pedro is a municipality that continues to grow and evolve, and it is their promise to the island to work for the residents’ betterment.
Also unveiled was the official chain of command at the SPTC, with the Mayor as the leader. The Town Council also adopted a 16-point Code of Ethics, one which is adopted in all Town and City Councils in Belize, and is based on a Fair, Ethical, Transparent and Accountable local government.
Congratulations to the Mayor and her team for taking on the initiative and first step in what is expected to be a new era of governance.