The newly formed San Pedro Cancer Society is calling on the community to give a helping hand in their first fundraiser on Saturday, July 17. This fledgling group is hoping to register as an NGO (Non Government Organization), and to do so, must raise some funds to pay for the process. To do so, they are holding a Dollar Drive at Mr. Omar Arceo’s residence across from the Five-A-Side court. Starting at 11am, food will be on sale, as well as drinks. Those who come by are being asked to donate one (1) dollar ($1). If you wish to give more, it is gladly accepted. A gratuity pin will be given to donors as well.
The San Pedro Cancer Society was established to create a network of help for those who are affected and dealing with Cancer. The group works on a volunteer basis, and aims to provide educational information on cancer, along with support, both moral and financial, to those who are living with the dreaded “C”, and require treatment. Monies will also be used to support the invaluable Belize Cancer Center in Dangriga.
The board of directors include: President – Monica Prevett; Vice President – Jorge Aldana; Secretary – Rene Guzman; Treasurer – Miguel Perez.
Fundraising events will be held at least every other month, and a grand yearly gala is in the works as the main fundraising event of the year for the group. To join the society, or to find out more about how to help in the fundraising efforts, contact Monica at 631-6567 or Miguel at 610-1293.