Monday, February 10, 2025

“Our Madonna” by Bradley Haylock wins Annual Valentine Poetry Contest


2013 Valentine Poetry Contest-5It was a gorgeous night for romance, dining and poetry at Bistro Mestizo, where The San Pedro Sun’s annual Valentine’s Poetry Reading was held. With Valentino on the microphone crooning away love songs, diners were treated to a delicious dinner whipped up with extra love by Miss Shelly and Monica. Between bites of sausage stuffed chicken breasts or herb crusted rib roast, patrons sipped on sangria, wine and other mixers as poems were read out loud throughout the night.

After a mini-hiatus, The San Pedro Sun was back out in full force, conducting a reading of the various poems submitted for judging. From the short, sweet and funny, to sonnets dedicated to gorgeous San Pedranas (and no, we’re not talking just lobsters!), and the requisite romantic Spanish verses – there was something to 2013 Valentine Poetry Contest-3intrigue everyone. At the end of the night, there were more than a few suggestions on who the winners should be.

The final decision was difficult, but in the end, we can present to you, our readers, those who have taken the prizes: Grand Prize: “Our Madonna” by Bradley Haylock, Most Romantic: “For Monique” (on our 60th wedding anniversary) by Jay Frankston, Ode to the Lobster: “Lobster Sonnet” by Tom Taylor, Spanish Language: Miss Blanco “El amor unico de la vida nunca se olvida”, and Funniest: “Birds and the Bees of Caribbean Seas” by Tom Taylor. Since the poems were so fantastic, we had to divvy up a few honorable mentions, and this year, those prizes go to: “Try a Little Kindness” by Linsford Garbutt, and “You” by Aleida Perez.

2013 Valentine Poetry Contest-11Winners may pick up their prizes, which have been oh-so-generously donated by various business sponsors, starting Friday, February 22, 2013. Congratulations writers – we have truly enjoyed reading your fabulous entries, and encourage you to continue writing. Who knows, you may take the grand prize next year!

The San Pedro Sun thanks Bistro Mestizo for hosting our event this year, and once again, we congratulate owner Shelly and her husband Dave Huber on their 17th anniversary! Thank you for sharing your special evening with us.

We present to you the winning poems:

Our Madonna by Bradley Haylock

With an ardent, flowing day-glow.
We have a saint on San Pedro
She is fresh air all around.
Her feet don’t touch the ground.
Say a prayer and She will find you.
Think of love and She is behind you.

One Sabbath, on my knees,
I prayed to my God; please.
I felt Her hand upon my heart.
Gave my life a real jump-start.
Sing a song and She will find you.
Say a prayer and she is behind you.

Her miraculous power to intercede,
Can fill my soul with every need.
She can make my every day.
She enjoys the love I have to pray.
Shine a light and She will find you.
Speak to God and She is behind you.

For Monique (on our 60th wedding anniversary) by Jay Frankston

They came to the old one
who was enjoying his 110th year
and heard the laughter in his heart
and saw the twinkle in his eyes
and they asked him for the secret
of his long and healthy life.
“I could tell you that I did yoga
to keep my body in shape, and I did.
That I kept my temper tucked away in my sleeve.
That I followed the rhythm of my life
and never broke pace with my heart.
That it was fresh air, hard work, and clean living.
But that’s not it” he said.
Then he raised his arms over his head
snapped his fingers in rhythm
to a tune only he could hear
and led his frail body into a jig.
Then, laughing through his age, he added:
“I had nothing to do with it.
I was just lucky. That’s all!”

Now if they asked me
how we made it for 60 years
keeping love in our hearts
and joy in our lives
I could say it’s because you let me in
spreading the sheets of your life
soft and cool on hot summer nights
warm and comforting on cold winter days.

Because quietly and unobtrusively
you made room for me,
letting me feel my own breath,
letting me walk my own path,
sweeping the steps in front of me
ironing the wrinkles behind.
Because, so long ago,
you were a seed in my fertile soil
and I watched you grow into a bud, into a flower
into the fertile soil in which I am the seed.
I might say all of those things
but in truth I had nothing to do with it.
I was just lucky. That’s all!

Lobster Sonnet by Tom Taylor

From a tiny minnow to the giant humpback whale,
Of all creatures in the sea, lobster is the best.
The claws are tempting, nobody can refuse the tail,
Sent from Heaven, lobster’s better than the rest.
Wake up early, board the boat and raise a sail.
Find the lobster honey holes circled on the map.
Lobsters name is Rock, but may not be a male,
Gather all pots, and set some bait out in the trap.
This is the king of seafood, you’ll often hear it said,
Serve lobster anyway you like, soft or hard-sheller.
Roast it, toast it, broil, or steam til it turns red,
One taste, and fall in love with this bottom dweller.
If fish don’t swim into the net, we shall never fail,
So long as we’re bringing home a lobster in the pail.

El Amor Unico de La Vida Nunca Se Olvida by Miss Blanco

El amor unico de la vido nunca se olvida
Cuando te conosi
Senti como que ya te conozco
Confiando en ti
Te confese los miedos que tenia.
Me escuchaste
Y pesando que yo nunca terminaria
Me comprendiste y me enamoraste.
Quien se imaginaria
Que mas que amigos nosotros terminariamos.
Despues de unos tiempos
Llege a conoser el verdadero ser que eres
Un chiko suave y bondadoso
Con un Corazon verdadero y carinioso.
Con miedo y dolor a tu lado,
yo te prometi que nunca te abandonaria
proque en tiempos malos contigo quedaria.
Te conosco
Como a nadien que e conosido
Y aveses pienso
Que haria si te irias?
Y decidi
Que el tiempo contesta toda las preuguntas
Si asi es el destino que vive en ti
Entonces el tiempo rompera la pared que te aleja de mi.
Me gusta la manera que eres Cuando estamos juntos
Siempre sonreimos juntos como locos.
Sera para siempre, sera real este amor que encontramos?
Creo que voy a tener que esperar para poder aplaudir,
El tiempo revelara lo que en el futuro se espera y sientes por ti.
Pero siempre recuerda
Lo que e dicho no es pasajera.
Conosiendote a cambiado mi vida.
Yo si te amo
Lo que siento por ti es real como el infinito del cielo, sol y mar
Nunca te dejare ir, eres bellisimo,
Recuerdame siempre
Y yo lo hare tambien con el Corazon intimo
Siempre te pensare
Porque el amor que tenemos es
unico, majico y verdadero!!!

Bird and Bees of Caribbean Seas by Tom Taylor

When I first made my home in Belize,
Planned to live a life of ease.
Lounging beneath two palm trees,
Warmed by the sun and a tropical breeze.

In the first couple months I was greatly pleased,
Sunday morning I’d eat ribs with folks at BC’s.
The evening meant a walk for treat at Manelli’s,
Friends in the states were sick with jealousy.

Life was just grand, here in Ambergris Caye,
Til the blackout came, and there were no batteries.
This often happens in Caribbean countries,
Where politicians run the utilities.

Fell in the dark and hurt one of my knees,
Next day, hobbled to the clinic at Dr. T’s.
She said I may need one of those surgeries,
But here in Paradise, there are no facilities.

Tried to meet a few ladies, but most were a tease,
Don’t know why I gave one of them my golf cart keys.
Finally found her, and demanded, “Cart keys pleaae?”
She said, “I left it up north cause the engine seize.”

You may be tired of the states and winter’s deep freeze,
And long for our temperatures of 80 degrees.
Sick of those colds where you cough and sneeze?
A few facts you need to know before moving overseas.

Here in Paradise, there are no guarantees.
Life is not a series of afternoon teas.
Bring plenty of money, and that means cheese,
Cause you’re gonna need it if you move to Belize!

Try a Little Kindness by Linsford Garbutt

Too often our women are not treated for who they are
When we promise them the sun, the moon and the star
Too often with such promises men do waver
While our ladies toil and sweat and labor
We want them to look nice, but don’e buy them the dress
All they hear from us is woman, clean up, this mess
We want them to smell good, but where’s the perfume
When all they kept hearing is woman, clean up this room

Let’s be real gentlemen, they deserves the best
Stop treating our ladies as if they are guest
A woman is to be treated right and respected
But too often they feel lost and dejected.

A simply hug and a thank you, she’ll appreciate
It’s like a worm on a hook for a fisher mans bait
That lady will snatch you boy, that very night
And who knows what goes on when off goes the light

Try a little kindness and brothers you will see
I did, and pssst, my woman is all over me
Head over heels in love my friend
I hope that me and “My Rosita” never end.
It’s not too late for any of you guys out there
Treat your ladies right and show them that you care
Be the prince charming THEY want you to be
Am I an expert? Hell no, but it worked for me.

You by Aleida Perez

You are a rose,
A delicate flower,
Who’s petals will wither with the touch of a human hand

You are the sky
a vastless blue world
the undiscovered and mysterious place

You are my life
The beat of my heart
The strength of my soul
The reason for my existence

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