The San Pedro Neighborhood Watch Committee, in collaboration with the San Pedro Police Department has formed a San Pedro Youth Cadet Corps. Leading the cadets is San Pedro Town Council Foremen Freddy Gonzalez, and Shane McCann, while Police Constable (PC) Juan Chuc is the Cadet Instructor.
The cadet program in San Pedro had been dormant for about four years. Gonzalez and McCann, along with the respective Neighborhood Watch Groups, Mayor Daniel Guerrero and the San Pedro Police Department took the initiative to revive the program. Upon the transfer of PC Chuc to the San Pedro Police Department and his appointment as Community Officer, did the cadet program formalize and recruiting for members commenced. “When we formalized the specifics for the cadet program, we started to distribute application forms to all the primary schools in San Pedro. It was initially difficult to get our youth to join. The interest was not there, neither from the community nor the children. What I started to do was to go directly to the schools and ask the teachers for help in identifying suitable candidates to recruit. Today we have recruited 15 members,” said PC Chuc.
Cadets are taught a variety of skills and techniques, including foot drills, team work exercises, life skills lessons, and sporting skills. The group has scheduled practices at the Isla Bonita Elementary School campus. “We want the children to learn respect and honor, but also humility. In the coming months we will have Kristina Romero from the National Drug Abuse Control Council to speak to the youth about drug abuse and how they can make a difference in the community against drug use,” said Gonzalez.
In addition, the San Pedro Youth Cadet Corps will also be preparing to participate in the Annual National Youth Cadet Camp held every summer by the Belize Police Department. Cadet groups from across the country are invited to take part in sporting activities and educational sessions.
On Friday, February 28th at 3:30PM an introductory meeting will be held for parents, members and the general public at the Reef View Education Center located on Barrier Reef Drive. The San Pedro Youth Cadet Corps is aiming to have 50 members, there are currently 35 available spaces. Anyone interested in having their child join the San Pedro Youth Cadet Corps can contact Shane McCann at 631-8366, PC Juan Chu at 607-9033, Freddy Gonzalez at 604-0949, or attend the meeting to learn more. Uniforms will be provided at no charge for all members.

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