On Saturday November 8th, the San Pedro Red Cross in coalition with the San Pedro Cancer Society and Belize Blood Donor Services teamed up to build Belize’s Blood Bank through an island blood drive. The drive took place at the San Carlos Medical Center on Pescador Drive, where committee volunteers invited by passers to kindly give monetary contributions or blood.
Donors were provided with refreshments and a chance to win raffle prizes contributed to the drive by Digicell. The blood collected through Saturday’s drive totalled 37 units, which is stored by the Belize Blood Bank for San Pedro Town’s blood pool, and is available to residents in times of need. The more blood donated via island blood drives increases the units of blood directly available to island residents.
The San Pedro Cancer Society also sold cupcakes and tamales and at the end of the day they managed to sell 600 tamales, raising a little over $1,000.The San Pedro Red Cross raised an estimated $500 through donations. All monetary contributions collected by the San Pedro Red Cross and San Pedro Cancer Society are reserved by the respective organizations for town emergencies.
The San Pedro Red Cross, the San Pedro Cancer Society and Belize Blood Bank extends gratitude to everyone who supported this cause including, the San Carlos Medical Center, Digicell, Tropic Air, Caramba Restaurant, and everyone who donated blood or purchased food items.