Letter to the Editor:
It’s close to two months after the fire, and the organization responsible for the funds collected finally distributed it to the victims. A huge thanks to all of the people who gave their time and money towards this cause. It is greatly appreciated and so wonderful to have seen the island come together. Sadly, it is a bit disappointing to learn that after a long wait, not only were the victims scolded for putting forth their opinion to the media after the organization wouldn’t listen or offer a clear answer, but also made them feel as they should be grateful to receive money from this organization—as if they were the ones making the donation. It was also very unclear about how exactly the money was divided from the $260,000. Most of the victims only received $400 to $2,000. So the question is, how can these people (fire victims) start over with that kind of money? Why should the property owners get most of the funds?
/s/A group of fire victims that were renting

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