To bring in the Christmas season, Living Word Church, along with the Evangelical Alliance of San Pedro, hosted a Christmas Toy Outreach on Sunday, December 18th. Before heading to the Honorable Louis Sylvester Stadium, the churches began their outreach with a Christmas caroling parade from the Boca Del Rio Park through the town core.
With decorated golf-carts carrying singing church goers, the parade surely caught the attention of the public. They also shared the message of Jesus Christ, and gave cupcakes to bystanders. As the parade finished at the stadium, over 1,500 people gathered for the occasion.
Pastor of Living Word Church, Ian Zaldivar then shared a spiritual Christmas message, “The Gifts for a Kings”. Pastor Zaldivar disclosed the story about the three wise men who brought three gifts to baby Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Although it may seem strange to give those gifts to a baby, he explained that Christians believe that the gold is associated with Kings and believe that Jesus is the King of Kings; frankincense is sometimes used in worship in churches and showed that people worshipped the child Jesus; and myrrh is a perfume used to anoint dead bodies, a symbol of Jesus’ suffering and death.
After the sermon, children lined up to receive their special gift, plus snacks. According to Pastor Zaldivar, the outreach was more than successful. “It was a miracle starry night. It was our joy to have been a blessing to our community. We gave away over 1,000 quality toys, cupcakes, and sodas. It is an amazing feeling to give back, and the smiles on the children’s faces were priceless,” said Zaldivar.
He would like to thank all of the members of Living Word Church for their excellent teamwork and selfless labor, as well as Captain Morgan’s Retreat and Caye International Bank for their annual financial support.

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