As the first Program Coordinator of SATIIM’s Women’s Program, Ms. Ch’oc demonstrated a high level of proficiency in both technical and interpersonal skills, including project management, staff supervision, community outreach and administration. As Executive Director, she brings new energy and perspectives to SATIIM’s programs in the defense of human rights and the environment, the promotion of sustainable community development, and the leadership of women and youth.

Most of all, Ms. Ch’oc serves as a conduit between traditional mores and values of the agrarian communities and the new ideas of Mayan youths living in a postmodern and online society.
Prior to joining SATIIM, Anissa served as a high school teacher, the Red Cross Coordinator in Punta Gorda – and most importantly, a facilitator of indigenous community workshops on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC.)
As Belize implements the 2015 Caribbean Court of Justice Consent Order on Maya land rights, SATIIM will be spearheaded by a leader with a strong understanding of FPIC and the necessary skills to bring all voices – from Elders to women and youth – to the table.
She earned a Masters in Project Management and a Bachelors in Political Science and Management at the University of West Indies.
In her spare time, she has volunteered for such groups as Helping Older People Equally and the Toledo Maya Women’s Council, whom she represented at the Commonwealth Conference, “Understanding the Intersection Between Gender and Climate Change.”