Belizeans planning to travel to the United Kingdom (UK) in 2025 will be required to have an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) starting January 8th. Applications opened on November 27th and can be completed through the UK government portal ( or the “UK ETA” mobile app. The ETA is required for short-term visits, including tourism, family visits, and business trips. It costs £10 (BZ$25) per person, including for children, the application process takes around 10 minutes. A valid passport, recent photographs, proof of payment (such as a credit card), and a valid email address are required to apply for the ETA. The application process may take up to three working days. Once approved, the ETA is valid for two years and is linked to the applicant’s passport.
According to information from the British High Commission in Belize, the introduction of the ETA is part of the UK’s efforts to establish a more streamlined and secure digital immigration system. While the ETA is required for entry, it does not guarantee admission to the UK, as immigration officers at the port of entry ultimately make the final decision.
Individuals with a valid UK visa, those with permission to live, work, or study in the UK, and British or Irish citizens are exempt from needing an ETA.

Previously, Belizeans did not need a visa or document beyond their passport to travel to the UK. However, during a visit to Belize in September 2023, the then UK Foreign Minister, David Rutley, addressed the new ETA requirement for Belizeans traveling to the UK. He stated, “We will make sure there’s very clear communication about what’s required there and work closely with the foreign ministry to ensure that travelers, visitors from Belize, are fully aware of the process.” Rutley also mentioned that one of the motivations for this new scheme was related to border control practices already implemented in other countries.
Honorable Eamon Courtenay, then Belize’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Immigration, discussed an educational program to familiarize Belizeans with this change. The ministry now has a new foreign minister, and the educational campaign regarding the ETA is yet to be implemented.

The current UK Minister for Migration and Citizenship, Seema Malhotra MP, said that this expansion of ETA is a significant step forward in delivering a border that’s efficient and fit for the digital age. “Through light-touch screening, before people step foot in the UK, we will keep our country safe while ensuring visitors have a smooth travel experience, she said.”
Тhе ЕТА іѕ а сruсіаl dосumеnt thаt аllоwѕ trаvеlеrѕ frоm еlіgіblе nаtіоnѕ tо еntеr thе UК without having to apply for а vіѕа. Тhіѕ wіll include traveling for tоurіѕm, fаmіlу аnd frіеnds vіѕіtѕ, buѕіnеѕѕ dеаlіngѕ, аnd асаdеmіс vеnturеѕ. The ETA allows visits of up to six months but does not permit working, claiming public funds, or frequent successive visits. A visa may be required if traveling for other purposes requiring stays longer than six months.