Dear Dr. Doctor Love,
Now that I am old enough to drink my ma thinks it’s great fun to party with me and my friends. They all think she’s fun and everyone gets black up, sometimes she dirty dances and talks about how she likes a man. It’s so embarrassing how rude she can be but everyone loves she. I don’t like it…how fi tell ah she no welcome to party with me. /s/ Mama rude
Dear Mama rude,
It’s tough when roles get reversed, and your parent becomes the one you need to set boundaries with. The key here is honesty with a side of sensitivity. Let your mom know how much you love her, but also share how uncomfortable her behavior makes you. Emphasize that you value your time with friends as your own space, and you’d appreciate it if she respects that. Be kind but firm—she might not realize how her actions are affecting you. /s/ Dr. Love
Dear Dr. Doctor Love,
My husband and I retired here almost two years ago from the USA, and we love it here. We are on the Qualified Retirement Program (QRP) program and have meet other Ex-Pats here on the same program. I was very surprised to find that although the program specifies we cannot work here, so many are. I’ve met several people who are selling real estate, taking people out on tours, playing music at bars or freelancing in marketing. I don’t think it’s fair that they are taking jobs away from
locals who are working hard to make a living. Is there anyone who monitors this? /s/ Let the locals have the jobs
Dear Let the locals have the jobs,
You’ve raised an important issue. The QRP is clear about its restrictions, and it’s troubling when those guidelines aren’t followed. It’s typically up to immigration and local authorities to monitor and enforce these rules. If you’re concerned, you might consider discreetly reaching out to the relevant government agency to express your worries. Ultimately, it’s about ensuring fairness and protecting opportunities for the local community. There are expats that do have work permits as well. /s/ Dr. Love
Dear Doctor Love,
Chocolate or Vanilla??? /s/ Settle a bet
Dear Settle a bet,
Ah, the age-old debate! The answer depends on who you ask, of course. Chocolate is rich and indulgent, while vanilla is classic and versatile. Both have their merits, but the real winner is… whichever one makes you happiest. Life’s too short not to enjoy a little of both! /s/ Dr. Love
Doctor Love is the islands, and possibly the world’s greatest authority on just about everything. The Doctor answers questions concerning any subject except religion or politics. Persons needing additional assistance or counseling should contact Family Services Division at 227-7541. The opinions herein are not necessarily of The San Pedro Sun. Write Doctor Love at PO Box 51, San Pedro Town, Belize, or email: [email protected]