Four island residents were amongst the 2014 graduating class of Galen Univesity on Sunday December 14th in Belize City. Career employee of the Belize Social Security Board (SSB) Miriam Lizet Cervantes Requeña graduated with a Master’s Degree from Galen University along with Officer in Charge of Development Finance Corporation (DFC) San Pedro Branch Nalleli Gilharry, San Pedro Junior College (SPJC) instructor Froylan Gilharry and Neima Gomez, all who graduated with a Master’s Degree.

Cervantes-Requeña has served in various capacities at the Belize Social Security Board in the Cayo, Corozal, Orange Walk and Belize Districts. Originally from Orange Walk Town, Cervantes-Requeña has grown along with the Belize SSB having served for over 23 years. In August of 2013, she was promoted and transferred to Ambergris Caye as the Branch Manager of the SSB. Cervantes-Requeña graduated with honors.

Original from Corozal Town, Froylan Gilharry is the Tourism Management instructor at SPJC and has been working there for nine years. He is married to Nalleli Gilharry who was been employed at DFC since August of 2014. Both graduated with honors.

Also from Corozal Town, Gomez is an instructor at SPJC, teaching Business Administration. She has been working there for the past 12 years.
All four received their Master’s Degree in Business Administration as part of the 11th Galen University Commencement Exercises. Congratulations to all on earning your Master Degree in Business Administration.