Earth Day 2015 Theme: “It’s Our Turn to Lead”
Press Release – VISION INSPIRED BY THE PEOPLE – April 20, 2015 – As part of the VISION INSPIRED BY THE PEOPLE (VIP)’s commitment to reduce plastics on San Pedro, on January 18th, the VIP San Pedro Chapter contacted the US Embassy, making them aware of the growing bio-degradable pollution on the island and requesting the introduction of their Recycle Shopping Bag Program in San Pedro. The US Embassy accepted the invitation and asked us to contact supermarkets which would be interested in participating. Through these efforts, Super Buy and Save On gladly accepted to participate and be part of this very important environmental program. The VIP Team relayed this to the US Embassy personnel. We are pleased that our leadership idea was accepted and will be launched tomorrow by the Embassy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The VIP thanks the participating stores and encourages other establishments to join this initiative. We also encourage residents to use the bags and reduce the dependency on plastics. We take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy and Clean Earth Day! Let’s make everyday an Earth Day!