Press Release – San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize – July 07, 2024 – It was a sight to behold! Island Donors Squad (IDS) is more than thrilled with the success of the World Donor Day Blood Drive Challenge on June 29th at Ambergris Hope Hospital in San Pedro. Twenty-seven units of blood were collected. Two teams faced off: “Parishioners vs Public” for a chance to win 20 seats on a sunset cruise with Seaduced by Belize.
The island-wide competition between Sagebrush Church and the public appeared to be a landslide victory for Sagebrush. They sent more than a van load of donors and were only bested by the greater public because the actual number of units collected was slightly greater for the public than the parishioners (15 to 12). Special recognition to Midiam of Sagebrush for her tireless efforts to coordinate and organize such a stellar show of support.
Recognition also goes out to our international volunteers: from Black Canyon Rotary and their team of Interactors from Colorado along with the support of Montrose Regional Healthcare. The visiting Interactors raised funds with a dollar drive.
Ahead of the drive, IDS Blood Drive Betting Squares at four popular local bars were a big hit. Shout out to Carlo and Ernie’s who had a sold out board and Edwin Aldana, nicknamed Fish, won big. Kudos to Coco’s Loco for another win, with Linda Carter, aka Wonderwoman taking home their half betting square prize. Palapa and Storm did not have winners and full proceeds will go to Island Donors. Thanks also goes to Palapa Bar for their day after donation drink offer for up to 50 donors.
Island Donors Squad reminds all interested persons to like and follow our page on Facebook. In the feed of posts critical information about current screening limitations and diet guidelines for donating can be found. At least 20 of the donors who showed up to donate were turned away simply because their hemoglobin levels were below current acceptable levels allowed.
Island Donors Squad is beyond proud of all the supporters and lifesaving donors who came out despite the rainy weather on Saturday. Sincere gratitude to everyone named for your part in our Island Donors Squad success:
14 volunteers from Black Canyon Rotary of Colorado, 4 Belize National Blood Transfusion Services workers, 2 Belize Red Cross agents, Black Canyon Rotary Club, Montrose Regional Health, Seaduced by Belize, Carlo & Ernie’s, Palapa Bar, Storm, Coco’s Loco, Village Mart –ice, Annie’s Lunch Bites, French Croissant meringue cookies and treats, Caribbean Spice $100 gift basket prize, The Baker peanut butter cookies, Marcia, Susan, Amanda watermelon and cookies (Rotary,) Brooklyn Bagel Company cream cheese and bagel bites, Lion Clubs tables and chairs, Mesa Bistro, Playa de Sala, ZZs Beach Bar (mocktails), Caribbean Sprinter, San Pedro Belize Express, Jambel Jerk Pit, Blue Tang, Sunbreeze Suites, Carts Belize, Ambergris Hope Hospital staff for supporting and donating, Town Council printing, Tech Transylvania printing, Chris and Lynn Monaco for lending coolers, Chocolate Company (truffles) and Caye Coffee.
Thank you for helping us strengthen blood collection in Belize.

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