During these holidays, please ensure that your pet is safe.
According to Saga Humane Society, food poisoning is more likely to occur between Christmas and New Year’s than any other week. Accidental poisoning from items such as alcohol, cold medicines and rodenticides are elevated during the holiday season. So here is some useful information to ensure your pet has a safe holiday:
• Don’t allow your pet to eat chocolate or products that contain chocolate.
• Turkey bones, if ingested, can splinter or become lodged in the digestive tract.
• Food containing grapes, raisins and currants (such as fruit cakes) can result in kidney failure in dogs.
• Anything that’s rich, fatty or spicy can trigger a bout of intestinal upset for your dog.
• Fatty scraps can lead to pancreatitis.
• Uncooked potatoes and peels can be poisonous.
• Keep your garbage can properly secured. Dogs are attracted to the smells in the garbage and might go eat what is in it.
• Macadamia nuts can cause tremors, weakness and paralysis.
• Onions can be deadly in whatever form they ingest it: cooked, dehydrated, powdered or disguised in other foods.
Saga takes this time to wish all island residents, visitors and pets a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year’s.

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