The Pro Divers Team “Just One More” took the top spot at the third annual La San Pedrana Wahoo Fishing Tournament. Over the weekend of January 18th and 19th, several boats registered and competed for the grand prize of $10,000.
The tournament was organized by Gary Grief of La San Pedrana, William Lemus of Gilles-E’s Pour House, and Irvin Chacon. “Typically, we hold the tournament in January or February,” said Grief. “This year, we had 16 registered boats competing in a two-day event. It’s species-specific, so only wahoo are permitted, with a minimum weight of 20 pounds for each fish.”
He explained the rules and how winners will be determined. “The champion boat is the one that accumulates the most points based on the following system: each day, the two heaviest wahoos caught by a boat will contribute to its total score. For example, the two heaviest will count towards your total if you weigh five wahoos that qualify.
After the first day, a total of six Wahoos were caught by three different boats. The leading boat after day one was Pro Divers’ ‘Just One More’. The second day of fishing stopped at 4PM, and the teams had 30 minutes to reach any of the three docks in front of the La San Pedrana Hotel. After two days of fishing, “Just One More” was the top contender. In second place was Team Cerca Del Sol, and rounding off the top 3 was Team Hunter B. This year’s Junior Angler was Zeyden Reyes.
In addition to the first-place prize of $10,000, there was a Calcutta prize, with each boat contributing $500 to the pool. The Calcutta prize is awarded to the boat that registers the most points, in which all fish caught are weighed and counted. This structure creates two separate competitions running simultaneously, allowing for different winners in many cases. The Calcutta prize is distributed as follows: 60% goes to the winner, 30% to the second place, and 10% is donated to charity. The Calcutta prize winner over the weekend was Team Just One More.
Congratulations to the winning teams and participants for joining in once more for a fabulous family-friendly event.