Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Not the Mama
"Before you burn bridges though, try to love the parts of her that are good. Is she kind? Is she feeling guilty at the loss of time spent with you when you were a child?"
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Hand Enough
"You’ve taken the high road this far so stay on it. You’ve kept your personal details private, and you don’t need to justify or explain yourself to anyone."
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Silver Out-Foxed
"Fifty years and older is the only age group where divorce is on the rise, and it is women who are deciding to end their marriages, many for this very reason. "
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: A Miserable Relationship
"The bottom line is that we don’t seem to have a single thing in common except that I love her. I think she loves me too, but I don’t think that is enough."
Dr. Love
Doctor Love
Readers, email your question to [email protected]. Your letters are edited solely for grammar, spelling and length.
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Failed Relationships
Readers, please send your letters. They can be emails, formal letters or handwritten notes. They are edited solely for grammar and spelling. Also, they...
Dr. Love
Doctor Love: Honesty and Acceptance
The keys to any relationship (of any sort) include that most valuable one: honesty. Without it, failure is inevitable.
Dr. Love
Doctor Love
Readers, please send your letters. They can be emails, formal letters or handwritten notes. They are edited solely for grammar and spelling. Also, they...