Business & Economy
New tax hikes with the new 2017/2018 budget
As of Saturday, April 1st, prices for soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and other products of general consumption went up dramatically.
Business & Economy
San Mateo electrification project underway
After 16 years of neglect residents in the San Mateo area of San Pedro Town are finally about to get direct electricity from the...
Business & Economy
BEL Makes Submission to PUC as Required by SI 116 of 2009
BEL is making a submission to the PUC showing that Cost of Power has increased more than 30% above the PUC’s approved reference Cost of Power
Business & Economy
Investment Opportunity – BEL Opens $25 million Series 5 Debenture Offer
Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) has opened its $25 million Series 5 Debenture Offer, which will earn a highly competitive interest rate of 7 per...
Trees cut by BEL is cause for concern
In clearing away trees to keep their lines unobstructed, BEL removed large trees, and some residents feel, unnecessarily cleared shrubs and smaller plants
Business & Economy
EU and GOB: $5.5m grant for Community Electrification
Several communities throughout the country will benefit from electricity supply within the next two years, with the implementation of a tripartite venture between the...
Community and Society
San Mateo continues to be neglected
According to the last census figures, the San Mateo Subdivision has an estimated population of 569. The area sits within Belize’s number-one tourism destination,...
Notice from BEL re: Hurricane Rina
Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) continues to monitor Hurricane Rina and advises that, in the event there is loss of power supply related to the hurricane, the...