Monday, February 10, 2025

Exclusive Economic Zone

World Oceans Day Statement from the Ministry of Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development

As we celebrate World Oceans Day, Belize is reminded of the central role our marine environment and resources play in contributing to our livelihoods, people, and economy. The Government of Belize along with its partners and stakeholders continue to make great strides and success in the establishment and implementation of programs and systems to promote the long-term sustainable use of our limited and fragile marine resources, the protection of our marine environment, and the promotion of nature-based approaches for healthy oceans.

GOB Expands Marine Protected Areas in Biodiverse Offshore Waters

On Wednesday, April 3rd, the Government of Belize (GOB) approved “The Expansion of Fisheries Replenishment (No-Take) Zones,” which will increase the total area of Belize’s protected waters from 4.5 percent to 11.6 %, according to Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS).

GOB takes historic step with moratorium on offshore oil exploration

During the October 20th sitting of the House of Representatives, the Government of Belize (GOB) made history by introducing a legislation to enshrine a moratorium on offshore oil exploration in Belize.

GOB affirms commitment against offshore oil exploration

On August 18, 2017, Belize Prime Minister, Right Honorable Dean Barrow officially announced his administration’s commitment to legislate an indefinite moratorium on offshore oil exploration in Belize’s territorial sea, including its exclusive economic zone.

Government of Belize Officially Announces Legislation on Indefinite Moratorium on Offshore Oil Exploration

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow officially announced Cabinet’s August 15th decision to legislate an indefinite moratorium on offshore oil exploration in Belize’s territorial sea, including the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Oceana pleased that Belize is Nominated for International Award

The world has taken notice of the historic decision of the Government of Belize to work with Oceana and bring about a complete ban in all forms of trawling in all Belizean waters, including our Exclusive Economic Zone