Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development

SACD holds final consultation on Bacalar Chico National Park co-management plan

Over the past months, a series of consultations with crucial San Pedro Town and Ambergris Caye stakeholders have taken place to discuss the Bacalar Chico National Park co-management plan. The consultations led by the Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development (SACD) have captured the feedback from business community representatives, fly-fishing tour guides, local marine biologists, conservation agencies, island residents, and enforcement agencies like the Belize Coast Guard. This input was compiled into a validation session on Friday, August 30th, where the co-management plan was presented and further discussed before it was given to the Ministry of Sustainable Development for official vetting and made available to the public.

Two Years of Action: Delivering on Belize’s Commitment to Ocean Conservation

Beyond its incredible and undeniable beauty, Belize’s ocean space is an important asset for our economic development. It contributes to the livelihoods of thousands of Belizeans, but our coastal and marine environments face threats from biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution—termed the triple planetary crisis. Illegal, unregulated, and unreported fishing, agricultural runoff, and habitat destruction further jeopardize these vital resources.

Omar Arceo teaches sustainable fishing practices at annual Fly-Fishing Summer Camp

San Pedro’s Omar Arceo, popularly known as the “Dr. of the Flats,” was busy during this summer break, traveling the country and teaching the youth about sustainable fishing. He joined the campaign in the northern part of the country and then visited several coastal communities across Belize, where he interacted with young children via the annual Fly-Fishing Summer Camp.

SACD hosts consultation sessions for co-management plan for Bacalar Chico

The co-management plan for the Bacalar Chico National, located in northern Ambergris Caye, was further discussed at a two-day consultation on July 26th and 27th in San Pedro Town. Hosted by the Sarteneja Alliance For Conservation and Development (SACD), the sessions heard feedback from representatives of the business community, fly fishing tour guides, local marine biologists, local conservation agencies, island residents, and the Belize Coast Guard toward the completion of the management strategy. SACD plans to have a permanent presence in the area by mid-August.

SACD hosts consultation regarding co-management of Bacalar Chico National Park

On Wednesday, July 17th, the Sarteneja Alliance For Conservation and Development (SACD) held a meeting at the San Pedro House of Culture to work on a strategic plan to manage the terrestrial part of the Bacalar Chico National Park, a World Heritage Site in northern Ambergris Caye. SACD, a non-governmental organization in Corozal District, was given the co-management of this protected area by the Government of Belize in March 2023.

Management plan for Bacalar Chico still in the works; illegal hunting continues

Concerned residents and conservationists in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, continue to report illegal activities, such as hunting, at the terrestrial portion of the Bacalar Chico National Park in the island’s northern part. According to reports, the wildlife at this park (deer, peccaries, etc.) is under constant threat, particularly on weekends. There are reportedly no park rangers to safeguard the surrounding natural habitats, and thus, there is reported abuse of the protected area. With the Sarteneja Alliance for Conservation and Development (SACD) taking control of the co-management of Bacalar Chico in March of this year, changes were expected to occur. The SACD has indicated that changes are coming as they continue developing a management plan for the site and begin having a partial presence by December of this year.

Illegal dumping reported at Bacalar Chico National Park

The illegal disposal of garbage at Bacalar Chico National Park north of San Pedro Town appears to continue unabated after concerned residents shared images of a large dump site. The eyesore is said to be near the beach, which is an active sea turtle nesting site. According to concerned residents visiting these areas, this unfortunate behavior occurs almost weekly and goes undetected due to the alleged absence of enforcement at this important national park.

Hol Chan Marine Reserve concludes its 2023 Reef Fest with a fun and educational fair

After a full week of fun and educational activities, the 2023 Hol Chan Marine Reserve Reef Fest concluded with a grand fair at the Boca del Rio Beach Park on Saturday, May 27th. The family event featured informational booths by several local and off-island organizations, as well as live music, a kayak race, games, and lots of giveaways.