“Where are you going?” Melody asked.
“I’m going across the river,” I told her. “I have to take an amplifier to the repairman. Why are you asking?”
“My friend has a new baby and I promised to go see it. My golf cart is broken down as usual, so Davin and I need a ride.”
“I’ll sit here in the golf cart and wait for you,” I said, when we got to her friend’s house.
“Oh, good. Will you keep Davin with you?”
“No, Grandpa,” Davin said to me. “I want to go in and see the new baby. I heard my Mama talking to her friend and she said the baby was born without ears. I want to see it.”
“That is exactly why I don’t want you in there,” Melody said. “You’ll embarrass me by saying something about the baby’s ears and I don’t want that.”
“Oh no, Ma,” Davin said. “I promise not to say anything about his ears.”
“You have to promise,” Melody said. “You’re eight years old now and you have to act responsibly.”
“I promise, Ma. Grandpa, will you go in with me?”
The first thing Davin said was, “Oh, what a beautiful baby!”
“Why thank you, Davin,” the mother said.
“He has perfect little hands and perfect little feet,” he said to the proud mother. “And pretty little eyes. Did the doctor say he can see good?”
“The doctor says he has perfect vision,” the mother said.
“That is a really good thing,” Davin said, “because there’s no way he can wear glasses.”

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