“Can you give me a ride to the airport?” Charlie asked. “I’m meeting Russell when he comes in.”
“Sure,” I said. “He’s finally making it back to the island? It’s about time.”
“Charles was going to take me to meet him but he’s tied up with something. Mark had to go to Belize City so I’ve got no way of getting to the airport except taxi.”
“Let’s go,” I said. “I’m looking forward to seeing Russell.”
When Russell arrived he wasn’t his usual smiling self.
“What’s wrong with you?” Charlie asked.
“I brought a brand new guitar with me and I’m worried about it.”
“What’s the worry?” I asked.
“I hand carried it from Oklahoma to Houston and then from Houston to Belize,” Russell said. “They wouldn’t let me hand carry it on the plane coming out to the island. It had to go in the baggage section.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Charlie asked. “It’s only a forty mile flight.”
“I’m afraid something will go wrong. This is not an ordinary guitar. It’s custom made and I paid three thousand dollars for it. That’s why I’m worried.”
“The baggage should be in by now,” I told him. “Let’s go pick it up.”
Of course, the guitar wasn’t in the luggage. Russell started going ballistic and the baggage handlers sent him to the ticket counter inside.
“Don’t worry, sir,” the clerk at the counter said. “We can solve your problem. We are professionals here.”
“I hope so,” Russell said.
“O.K.” the girl said. “First things first. Has your flight arrived yet?”

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