“Hey! Dennis! What are you doing here?”
I was at the big market in Chetumal, Mexico, right across the border from Belize. I turned around to find that it was my old friend Mike calling me.
“Hey, Mike. I’m killing time until it’s time to catch the boat back to San Pedro. What about you?”
“My wife dragged me out to do some shopping. I think I’ve been through every stall in this market.”
“Where is your wife?”
“We got separated about an hour ago. She was looking at some curtains and she probably hasn’t even noticed that I’m not there.”
“How are you going to find her?”
“When she finds out I’m missing she’ll call me on the cell phone. Let’s go get a beer.”
We found a little cantina down the street from the market. As the waiter brought our drinks Mike’s cell phone rang.
“Hello. Yeah, we got separated but you can find me with no problem. Let me tell you where I am.”
There was a pause as he listened.
Then he said, “O.K. Do you remember when we were here last year and you found that shop with the necklace? Yes, that necklace. You wanted it so bad you practically begged me for it. I told you we couldn’t afford it but someday I would buy it for you.”
He paused again to listen and then said, “What are you getting all crying and weepy about? I’m in the bar right across the street from that shop.”

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