A COVID-19 patient was transported off the island this morning following health complications from diabetes. The male patient was rushed in an ambulance and then airlifted from the John Greif III Municipal Airport to Belize City.
Doctors will continue monitoring his diabetic condition while keeping him in isolation at the COVID-19 unit at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. Diabetic people are not the only ones in danger of severe complications with the virus. Persons with hypertension and heart disease, among other health issues, are especially vulnerable.

As of Wednesday, August 12th, San Pedro Town has a total of 134 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Health authorities on the island continue to report an increase of persons visiting the Mar de Tumbo flu clinic, south of downtown, seeking to get swabbed. Many of them claim to be symptomatic, saying they have lost the ability to taste or smell, as well as experiencing fevers.
Health personnel in San Pedro continue working around the clock, trying to tend to every person that could be a potential carrier of the disease. They are trying to swab everyone on the island, with priority given to symptomatic patients. Asymptomatic patients are asked to self-isolate at home. In the case of an emergency relating to coronavirus, call 672-0911, and follow instructions.
As more cases are expected to be confirmed in San Pedro, the island community is reminded to continue doing its part to combat the epidemic. The frontline responders, medical personnel, police, and volunteers appeal to everyone to practice the proper washing of hands, wearing masks, and to not go out unless it is imperative, and when doing so, to practice social distancing.