Central Farm
Community and Society
Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise Tours Vegetable Seedling Nursery
A total of 18,000 seedlings will be distributed to farmers and producers at all levels, including backyard gardeners. The seedlings were donated as seeds by the OIRSA Regional Emergency Fund to assist vegetable farmers who were affected by the flooding caused by storms Eta and Iota.
Galen University awards ten new scholarships to deserving students
Ten students were lucky recipients of scholarships from Galen University - 9 for Bachelor Degrees and 1 for a Masters Degree.
Business & Economy
Postponed – National Sensitization Forums
Press Release - November 14, 2011 - The Forums on Export Opportunities within the CSME which were scheduled to be held on the 15th...
Business & Economy
National Sensitization Forums on Export Opportunities for Belize within the CSME
With support from the CARTFund, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade in conjunction with BELTRAIDE and other agencies is hosting a series...