Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Hol Chan Marine Reserve’s plan to combat sargassum yet to be implemented

The beaches of San Pedro and many others across the country have been experiencing a heavy influx of brown algae known as sargassum in the past few weeks. This inconvenience makes the shoreline unattractive as the seaweed rots and threatens the island's tourism industry. To address this problem, the Hol Chan Marine Reserve (HCMR) plans to obtain a "Harvester Machine" to help overcome the sargassum problem.

Sargassum influx on Ambergris Caye beaches increases

As the days get warmer and east winds pick up, the arrival of the sargassum seaweed is already making its presence along the coast of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. While island authorities are yet to announce a plan to address the expected excessive seaweed beaching, recent reports suggest that monitoring efforts observe large Sargassum patches in the Caribbean Sea drifting in a western motion.

2024 Sargassum season is right around the corner

The eyesore of sargassum mats littering our beaches has not been observed in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, for months. This has led to clear and clean coastlines with beautiful sandy beaches. However, as Easter approaches, the threat of sargassum looms, and according to reports, there could be heavy seaweed invasion.

Report shows impact of Sargassum in Belize and parts of Mexico

A report on the effects of sargassum and management proposals in Quintana Roo, Mexico, and Belize was presented to stakeholders in San Pedro Town on Saturday, October 28th, at the Sunbreeze Hotel. Dr. Minerva Arce-Ibarra, a scientist with the non-profit Ecosur, presided over the informational session.

No SargaBlocks for construction in San Pedro

Every year, the influx of the seaweed known as Sargassum brings challenges to the tourism industry in Belize, particularly San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, one of the country’s leading destinations. With the increasing threat to the beaches and coasts, the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) had considered a project to turn the seaweed into construction blocks. The project known as SargaBlocks has reportedly been done in parts of Mexico, and in April of this year, the plans to work with a Mexican company were well in advance. However, with the decrease in the seaweed’s presence, the SPTC has now walked away from such a venture, and the SargaBlocks idea was abandoned.

Northern Ambergris Caye resort acquires Beach Surf Rake to remove Sargassum

The Sargassum situation continues to affect Caribbean nations like Belize, which harms tourism. Stakeholders in places like San Pedro, Ambergris have joined the municipality in hiring labor to clean the beaches, but it has not been enough. The manual work even adds to the beach erosion, and it is hard to keep up with the daily influx. To get ahead of the game, Las Terrazas Resort north of San Pedro Town has acquired a special beach rake that can remove the rotting seaweed while leaving the sand behind.

Taly Corporation acquires beach clean-up equipment to tackle Sargassum

The beaches of San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, and others across the country experience a yearly heavy influx of the brown algae known as Sargassum. It is an inconvenience making the shoreline unattractive with the rotten seaweed threatening the local tourism industry and the environment. While stakeholders and the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) have made extraordinary efforts to keep the beaches free of seaweed, it has been quite a challenge. As such, Taly Corporation, a company doing business on the island, has acquired a heavy equipment/machine known as Surf Rake dedicated to cleaning up the island’s shores from debris and the main culprit, Sargassum.

SPTC looks to renovate central park by using building material made out of Sargassum 

The new wave of Sargassum influx at the beginning of this year threatens the tourism industry across Belize. Some stakeholders and the San Pedro Town Council (SPTC) have been conducting clean-ups in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, but it is not enough. To alleviate the concern, Mayor Gualberto ‘Wally’ Nunez has been discussing the problem with Mexican entrepreneur Omar Vasquez, founder of SargaBlocks, to possibly make building blocks from Sargassum and use them in an upcoming beautification project.