Pets & Animals
Saga Says: It’s Hip to Snip!
The Saga Humane Society will embark on a new spay/neuter campaign titled: It's Hip to Snip, in an effort to reduce the stray animal population in San Pedro.
Pets and Animals
World Vets to assist SAGA Humane Society in “Fix your dog to fix up San Pedro”.
Press Release - March 6, 2012 - SAGA Humane Society - SAGA Humane Society in its ongoing effort to help control the pet population...
Pets and Animals
Thank You from SAGA Humane Society
Dear Editor,
Saga Humane Society would like to give our warmest holiday Thank You to all our supporters and sponsors who helped in the First...
Pets and Animals
SAGA: Fix your dog to fix San Pedro
Press Release – SAGA Humane Society -14th December 2011 - The San Pedro Town Council and SAGA Humane Society receive many complaints about stray...
Pets and Animals
SAGA: How to Be a Good Dog Owner and a Great Neighbour
SAGA Humane Society and the San Pedro Town Board are working together to help dog owners be better neighbors and members of the community....
Community and Society
Animal Clinics provided for Local Communities
Vets and Students conduct spay & neuter clinics for animals across Belize
During June, 2011, Belize’s Institute for Sustainable and International Studies (ISIS) organized three...