Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Magical Experience at Caracol; the Crown Jewel of Belize’s Maya Sites

A Magical Experience at Caracol; the Crown Jewel of Belize’s Maya Sites

This is definitely the year of the Maya; the year when the world is taking the time to experience and learn about their magnificent and ancient culture, and paying attention to the monumental events that are taking place throughout the year. Belize is no exception. The entire country has planned and organized numerous events throughout the year to celebrate and experience the culture, history, and heritage of the Maya people, an ancient civilization that once dominated this region. One such event was the Spring Solstice which took place on March 20 – 21, 2012.

To commemorate the end of the 13th Baktun, The National Institute of Culture and Heritage (NICH) organized and invited the world to travel to the ancient and majestic ruins of Caracol. The world can join with the Maya people in celebrating the Vernal Equinox, or Spring Solstice, an event that signifies the beginning of spring, or the spring equinox. The event marks the time when the Earth’s axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun because the center of the sun is in the same plane as the equator. The Maya calendar was developed around solar cycles and celebrating the equinoxes has been an important tradition for their culture. Attendees were treated to a true glimpse of ancient Maya culture by camping out under the stars at Caracol and enjoying a traditional Maya feast. But surely the highlight for many was getting a guided tour of the magnificent city-state by Dr. Jaime Awe, renowned archeologist and one of the world’s foremost authorities on Maya civilization and the man actually responsible for most of the excavation and preservation of the stunning location.

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