Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Resolving to be healthy


It really all started with a New Year’s Resolution. Can you believe that past the age of 30, I was still making resolutions? The previous year, my boyfriend (henceforth called Pookie) had resolved to lose weight, as he was teetering close to 300lbs. He and I worked on his diet/eating habits, and with workout videos at home, he slowly and steadily lost 100 pounds! His transformation was almost magical to me, and I was so proud of him for sticking to it, but it seemed I was not ready quite yet.

When the coconut dropped at Lola’s on New Year’s 2014, there I was again, making another resolution to lose weight. I was sick and tired of wearing bigger clothes; I hated going to boutiques and walking out angry that I couldn’t find my size. I hit a size 18, and when that began to get tighter, I panicked. Pookie sat down and listened to me, and together, we came up with a plan for me. Just as I’d supported his hard work and efforts, he was willing to push and encourage me. I kept starting and stopping, finding excuses why I couldn’t diet properly: work, late hours, social life, work…did I mention many excuses?

50 Size 18 to 12-web
It wasn’t till Tuesday, April 23, 2014 that I officially began my CrossFit journey. It’s been eight months now and I’m completely hooked. It took a while to fall in love with the actual routine, but the encouragement from Coaches Liliana, Rene and Drew kept me going. This was a promise I was going to keep!

I discovered how much I love lifting heavy weights. I can fully acknowledge that I’ll probably never run a marathon (running is evil), but I can lift heavy things and walk really fast with them! Discovering flexible dieting (called If It Fits Your Macros) has helped open my eyes to the possibilities of eating a fully balanced meal WHILE enjoying treats here and there. Between good food and fun CrossFit classes, I’ve dropped down below the 200 mark. I started at 234, and the last time I checked the scale, I am at 197. But in terms of how my clothes fit? I’ve put those size 18 pants away forever. I’m actually starting to buy size 12s and fitting in them! (I know that I’m not the only one who used to buy clothes hoping to someday fit in them!) So believe me when I tell you, the number on a scale is not the defining point.

Am I where I wanted to be? I don’t think I even knew what I was capable of on that fateful January 1, 2014 – but I know I’m closer to a physically better me. Oh yes, I’ve become that person who feels better AFTER working out. Who is this person? I don’t know, but I like her! I am excited to see where I’ll be on April 23, 2015, when I complete a full year of CrossFit at my beloved San Pedro CrossFit box. I am hoping for even bigger changes, and increased strength and accomplishments. I hope I can do a proper pull-up by then; I hope I can squat 300lbs by then, and maybe, if I stick to my meal plan better (darn you holiday food), I can start seeing some abs (I know…WHO am I anymore?!).

Either way, I will say this: no matter what date you resolve to make positive changes in your life, be it January 1st or a random Wednesday in February; just stick it out. Give yourself a chance to surprise yourself, your loved ones, and the rest. Have a happy and healthy New Year!

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