Attorney General's Ministry
Second Annual Stakeholders’ Recognition Award Ceremony
On June 2, 2022, the Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour, and Local Government hosted its annual Stakeholder’s Recognition Award Ceremony. The ceremony recognizes stakeholders for their significant contributions to the ministry's mission of serving the Belizean people. Their collaboration has a substantial impact on the successful implementation of the ministry's programs and projects.
Community and Society
Belize to Observe World Intellectual Property Day 2022
World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated every year on April 26, by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This day was decided on by WIPO in the year 2000 to highlight the role that Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) play in encouraging innovation and creativity. The day is observed with a variety of events and activities worldwide, as it serves to increase awareness and understanding of intellectual property (IP).
Politics and Government
Implementation of UNCAC: Attorney General’s Ministry Reports on Status
Since February 2017, the Government of Belize has made several successful steps towards the implementation of the UNCAC, a large portion of it being foundational.