Police News
Police Report: Drug Trafficking
On Friday, March 10th, San Pedro Police searched a male minor at a local dock, after he was seen carrying a black school bag.
Police News
Police Report: Found Drugs
On Wednesday, November 17th at around 7PM, police conducted a house search for illegal drugs and firearms at a home in Boca Del Rio.
Police News
Police Drugs Report
Found drugs
On Wednesday, November 11th between 5AM and 12:10PM, a team of San Pedro Quick Response Team and Special Branch personnel conducted a joint...
Crime & Violence
Thunderbolt boat captain charged for drug trafficking
The boat captain of Thunderbolt, 35-year-old Miguel Florencio Dominguez of the San Andres Area of Corozal Town has been arrested, charged and plead guilty...
Police News
Police Report- Found Property
On Saturday, May 17th, Superintendent Luis Castellanos along with other San Pedro Police Officers visited an empty lot located on Sea Grape Drive in...