Saturday, February 8, 2025


San Pedro Red Cross hosts HIV Prevention Workshop

On Friday, June 20th, the San Pedro Red Cross hosted an HIV prevention workshop as part of a “Street Beat” activity held at the...

The San Pedro AIDS Commission is ready to take on 2014!

With a successful 2013 under their belt, the San Pedro AIDS Commission is ready to take on 2014, with plans of bigger successes!

National AIDS Commission holds first National Assembly

During the weekend of December 14th the National Aids Commission (NAC) held its first ever National Assembly. The Assembly saw approximately 110 participants in...

The Anglican Archdiocese of Belize promotes HIV/AIDS Education

The Anglican Archdiocese has taken a stand in the fight against HIV AIDS through Education. Through the program; “Empowerment for all – HIV and...

San Pedro AIDS Commission gears up for World AIDS Day 2013

The San Pedro AIDS Commission has rolled out its calendar of events that will lead up to World AIDS Day, observed on December 1.

National Aids Commission moves into San Pedro

The first of a series of coordinating meetings took place on Friday June 8th at the conference room of the San Pedro Town Council

C-Net+ members receive training in Behavioral Change for PLWHA

The main purpose of the workshop is to expand the development and strengthen technical and professional capacities of PLWHA in Central America

Collaborative Network of Persons Living with HIV holds Media Meeting

C-NET+ Belize held its first ever HIV Solidarity Day and Media Round Table introducing peer counselling groups for Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV)