Saturday, February 15, 2025

Ministry of Investment

Vanilla Cultivation Pilot Project Closes

The Ministry of Investment held the closing ceremony for Belize’s Vanilla Cultivation Pilot Project at the Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College (CEMJC) in the Corozal District.

Ministry of Investment Launches Vanilla Cultivation Training Pilot Project

The Ministry of Investment in collaboration with The National Women's Commission(NWC), the Centro Escolar Mexico Junior College (CEMJC), and Belize Agro Forestry Development Services officially launched a first-of-its-kind Vanilla Cultivation Training Pilot Project.

Ministry of Investment Team Tours Southern Industries

A team from the Ministry of Investment continues its tour of industries in southern Belize. On September 3, 2022, the team visited Belize Crafts Limited, better known as Maya Bags, in Punta Gorda Town.

Ministry of Investment Visits Agro-Processing Facilities in Southern Belize

The Ministry of Investment is on a working tour of several of the agro-processors of southern Belize. The participants include Mrs. Narda Garcia, Chief Executive Officer in the Office of the Prime Minister and Investment, and several officers in the Investment Policy and Compliance Unit of the ministry.

Office of the Prime Minister Hosts First BPO Stakeholder Meeting

On May 26, 2022, representatives from 20 companies gathered for the first Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Stakeholder Meeting hosted by the Office of the Prime Minister and Ministry of Investment.

Ministry of Investment, Trade and Commerce Announces Third Annual Competitiveness Month

The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Commerce (MITC) through its statutory body, the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE), along with several of its key regional and private sector partners, is teaming up to host a virtual Competitiveness Month 2020. Competitiveness Month, which began three years ago, is a month-long series of activities that aim to strengthen competitiveness in the private sector through the enabling environment created by the government.

Cabinet approves Belize’s First National Trade Policy

The Policy is an outcome of the July 2016 National Trade Policy Framework, which has been developed following an extensive nationwide stakeholder consultation process.