Friday, July 26, 2024

Prime Minister Honorable Dr. John Briceño

Government to request support from the house for supplemental appropriations of $12 million for emergency infrastructure repairs

The tropical wave that started affecting the country on August 17th brought heavy rains across the country. A briefing from Cabinet has now confirmed that the severe weather caused floods resulting in millions in damage in areas of northern and central Belize. Following the passage of the bad weather, the government is requesting $12 million to cover the costs caused by the tropical wave.

Prime Minister Honorable Dr. John Briceño participates in the IX Summit of the Americas

With a focus on "Building a Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Future," the Ninth (IX) Summit of the Americas was held in Los Angeles, California, in the United States of America. From June 6th to the 10th, country leaders from north, south, and central America gathered to address the hemisphere's challenges and opportunities within the partnership. Representing Belize was Prime Minister Honorable Dr. John Briceño, who delivered his address at the Plenary Session of the IX Summit of the Americas.