Dear Editor:
I love The San Pedro Sun. I love the feel of the paper in my hands, and I love how it is one “old timey” thing in San Pedro that brings everyone and everything together.
I love reading the articles about all the wonderful goings on in San Pedro….after they happened! So, as I read about the Senior Citizens Party at the Lions Den this week, I was not filled with joy about the wonderful event, but rather deep sadness and intense frustration. As I continued to read about the fantastic things that happened in San Pedro over the holidays, I grew more and more exasperated by the things I missed.
While reading about events after they happened is nice, it would be so wonderful for the entire community, and the thousands of visitors to our community, if there were some sort of Community Calendar. All non-profit’s could possibly get on the calendar for free, but biz events (fashion shows, Valentines Events, etc.) could pay for the mention.
All in all, if there was one non-electronic means of finding out what is going on, then perhaps the attendance, donations, and other measurables would increase favorably, profitably, and positively for everyone involved. A small box listing dates and event title is all that would be required to help spread the word about events and goings-on.
Thank you for your efforts and for making the paper great!
Lara Goldman
Editor’s Note:
Ironically there are times when we are the last ones to know about an upcoming community event until the night of the show! The San Pedro Sun is always happy to help non-profit organizations promote their activities through our Caye Note forum printed in the paper, but the organizations have to be diligent about sharing their news with us. We encourage them to notify us at least ten days prior to the event in order to meet our deadlines, and when possible we also share the information on our Facebook page as well.

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