Pack for a Purpose is a non- profit organization that was founded in 2009, with the goal to positively impact communities around the world by assisting travelers who want to make a meaningful contribution to the destinations they visit. On Ambergis Caye, more and more businesses are joining the movement.
Benefits from this initiative include local schools and health centers. Las Terrazas Resort is a member of the organization, with a focus on education. They raise funds for the Holy Cross Anglican School, which serves 400 children aged three to 15. Las Terrazas recommends that guests bring items such as general school supplies, reference materials, flash cards, text/reading books and other miscellaneous items used in educational institutions. Xanadu Island Resort is another member of ‘Pack for a Purpose’, and they focus on child welfare. Xanadu works closely with Ambergris Hope Clinic in helping young mothers who may not have the means to provide for their newborn babies. They ask guests to pack diapers, baby blankets, baby soap and anything that has do with newborn babies.
Romantic Travel Belize, a destination planning services by Lara Goldman, has also been working to secure supplies for the San Pedro Red Cross and Belize Cancer Center. These local businesses hope to motivate other businesses on the island to join their effort through the ‘Pack for a Purpose’ program. For more information and how to join please visit

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