April 26th of each year marks the celebration of World Intellectual Property Day. In 2000, the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) designated an annual World Intellectual Property Day to address the perceived gap between intellectual property (IP) as a business/legal concept and its relevance to people’s lives. The convention establishing WIPO was first entered into force on this date in 1970.
The theme for World Intellectual Property Day 2020 is “Innovate for a Green Future”, putting innovation and the IP rights that support it at the heart of the efforts to create a green future.
As Belize and the rest of the world are faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, this is a reminder of the important role intellectual property plays in the modern world. Every day, different initiatives are being formulated to prevent the spread of the virus or to treat persons infected with the virus. These innovations and innovative thinking, whether it be patent, copyright, industrial designs, trademark, or any other intellectual property, are vital in helping to flatten the curve.
In the words of WIPO Director General, Francis Gurry, “At this unique moment in history, let us turn our minds to what we each can do to become more resilient and responsible in the face of threats to global health and to the planet. Let us reflect on the role that innovation and the IP system can play in driving global efforts to create a green future that supports the well-being of humanity.”
Creative minds are encouraged to continue to “Innovate for a Green Future” in fields such as agriculture, environmental rights, and sustainable products. By doing so, the wealth stored in all minds is encouraged to come forth in tangible forms which will, in effect, drive a more diverse and robust economy for Belize and the world at large.
The Belize Intellectual Property Office under the auspices of the Attorney General’s Ministry encourages Belizeans to “innovate for a green future”.