The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 8th August 2023.
• Cabinet considered and approved the joint plan from the Attorney General’s Ministry and the Ministry of E-Governance for a program to strengthen the civil registry. This will achieve a more efficient civil registry program, modernizing and improving all services of the Vital Statistics Unit through the establishment of a pertinent legal policy framework, simplified procedures and an inclusive and accessible online service.
● Cabinet discussed the issue of the growing number of Belizeans who are suffering from mental health and wellness issues as well as substance abuse and drug addiction. Cabinet called on the ministers responsible for Health and Wellness, Human Development and Home Affairs to oversee an intensive study to provide more rehabilitation services.
• Cabinet gave its approval for the tabling of a National Assembly loan and guarantee motion to enable the Development Finance Corporation to enter into a loan agreement with the Caribbean Development Bank. The US$12.5 million loan will be guaranteed by the government for a line of credit at the fixed concessionary rate of 0.75% per annum. This loan will facilitate the financing of sub-loans to micro, small and medium enterprises for agricultural and industrial credit.
● With a view to addressing the rapidly growing energy demands of Belize’s flourishing economy, Cabinet supported the tabling of a National Assembly loan motion in support of a US$77 million loan from the Saudi Fund for Development, at the fixed concessionary rate of 2% per annum, to finance the construction of a 60MW utility-scale solar energy plant.
● Finally, Cabinet reminds Belizeans of this year’s national celebrations theme, “Hope Ignited! Hands United; Vision Renewed: Belize @ 42”.

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