PRESS RELEASE – The Belize Press Office – January, 24th, 2012
Accelerating Progress towards the Millennium Development Goals
Belmopan 24th January 2012. The Government of Belize is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the “Belize Scorecard and Outlook Report 2010“, a comprehensive assessment on the progress made in the last years towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This report outlines how well the country has performed in some of the Goals particularly those related to improving maternal health, reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS and ensuring access to water.
The launching of this report will also highlight the main challenges that Belize still faces particularly in relation to poverty reduction, employment generation, access to sanitation and gender equality, and the policies and
initiatives aimed at the attainment of the Goals.
What: Launching of the Belize “Scorecard and Outlook Report 2010” on the Millennium Development Goals.
When: Monday, 30 January 2012. From 9:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Where: Jaguar Auditorium, University of Belize, Belmopan.
Who: Hon. Erwin Contreras, Minister of Economic Development, Commerce and Industry, and Consumer Protection and Mr. Roberto Valent, UN Resident Coordinator.
Copies of the Report will be distributed during this event.