Blue Economy
Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association Blends Tradition with Technology to Save Belize’s Marine Ecosystems
Since 2013 the Turneffe Atoll Sustainability Association (TASA) has received its mandate as the official co-manager of the marine reserve from the Government of Belize through the Belize Fisheries Department. The award-winning nonprofit blends traditional engagement strategies and technology to redefine marine conservation and improve management effectiveness, which IUCN defines as ‘how well-protected areas are managed.’
BELTRAIDE Holds Consultations with Blue Economy Stakeholders to Improve Investments in the Sector
The Government of Belize has identified investment in priority sectors, as a key driver of economic development. BELTRAIDE is supporting the Inter- American Development (IDB) in building a strategy to attract foreign direct investment specifically in the Blue Economy, to complement existing business operations. The development of the strategy is being led by OCO Global, a technology based advisory firm focused on trade, investment, and economic development.
CAF, FAO, and CRFM partner on new Regional GEF Funded Blue Economy Project
A new US 48 million dollar project to strengthen the foundation for blue economic growth and sustainable development of marine living resources by focusing on marine spatial planning, area-based management, and climate-smart sustainable seafood value chain development has commenced. The Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), are partnering to implement the four-year project in the region.
As Vice President of SIDS DOCK Assembly, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. John Briceño will tackle the sargassum issue
Belize’s Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. John Briceño, is the new Vice President of the SIDS DOCK, a Small Island Development States initiative for sustainable development. Briceño’s appointment to represent the Caribbean region was determined by acclamation and occurred during the seventh session of the SIDS DOCK Assembly held virtually on Monday, September 25th. It was held within the margins of the General Debate of the 78th United Nations General Assembly session at its headquarters in New York City, New York, USA. Briceño will start his term in January 2024. During the event, he spoke about a $50USD million initiative to mitigate against the sargassum seaweed invasion affecting Caribbean economies.
Belize to Grow Sustainable Blue Economy with IDB Support
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $7 million loan to Belize to help it sustainably expand its blue economy. The program’s overall objectives are to increase the earning potential of artisanal fishers and keep fishery exports high while promoting sustainable use of the country's commercial marine resources.
Ministry of Agriculture Holds Validation Workshop for the Draft National Agriculture and Food Policy
On August 4, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, held a validation workshop for the draft National Agriculture and Food Policy. The event was held at Kiki Witz Resort, Belmopan. It was attended by public and private sector representatives and technical personnel from various ministries.
Caribbean Fisheries Forum convenes 21st Meeting
The Caribbean Fisheries Forum, the technical and advisory arm of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), convened its 21st Meeting earlier this week, on 3 – 4 April 2023. The Forum—which is made up of the heads of national fisheries departments and divisions of the CRFM countries, stakeholders, and regional and international development partners—focused on advancing sustainable management, conservation and development of the region’s fisheries and aquaculture sector.
Community and Society
SP fishers not happy with new fisheries regulation; Area Rep meets with island fisher-folks
There was a heated discussion at the San Pedro Lions Den on Wednesday, May 25th, as fishers attended a public meeting with representatives from the Fisheries Department and the Ministry of the Blue Economy. The discussions, which have been taking place in other fishing communities in the country, ended up with the ministry agreeing to delay the new policy for one year to continue engaging the fisher-folks.