Friday, July 26, 2024

National Forensic Science Service

UNDP InfoSegura Project Continues to Support Citizen Security in Belize

On August 20, 2023, a ceremony to mark the launch of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) at the Forensic Laboratory of the National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) was held at the Radisson Hotel in Belize City. This initiative is a part of the “Evidence-based Information Management for Citizen Security in Central America and the Dominican Republic Project” (also known as the InfoSegura Project), the first regional strategic partnership of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has been central to enhancing the capacities at key institutions ensuring the security of Belize’s citizens over the past decade.

National Forensic Science Service Receives First-of-its-Kind Laboratory Equipment in Belize

September 7, 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development handed over a Thermo-Scientific TSX Series High-Performance Laboratory Refrigerator for evidence storage and a Handheld Portable Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometer for rapid field identification of liquid and solid chemicals to the National Forensic Science Service (NFSS) through the Ministry of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries.

United States-funded UNDP-InfoSegura Project Invests in Belize’s Future Crime Intelligence Architecture

In support of Belize’s effort to enhance its national security and strengthen inter-agency crime-data sharing, the U.S. Embassy presided over a donation that included a high-powered Dell server and three Dell workstations with high-quality monitors on July 28, 2022. This equipment will support improvements in data management by the Belize Police Department and the National Forensic Science Service. The goal is to strengthen inter-agency data sharing, through the Belize Crime Observatory— the national repository of crime data and information—so that criminal investigations can be swift, thorough, and assure justice.

CABEI Technical Team Visits Belize for Assessment of Belize Integral Security Programme

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) is undertaking a technical mission in Belize from March 2 to 4, 2022, to reassess the needs of participating agencies of the Belize Integral Security Programme (BISP).

Follow Up Workshop on Utilization of IBIS

Press Release-Ministry of National Security, November 15th- An expert from Canada was in Belize over the past week conducting a three-day workshop with personnel from...

Twenty Two (22) Persons Complete Training in Forensic Ballistics

Press Release - March 25, 2013 -  Ministry of National Security-  On Friday March 22, 2013, Twenty Two (22) persons received certificates after completing a...