Friday, July 26, 2024

Staff Christmas Greetings


49 Tamara PicTamara- Who can say they work, live and play on the #1 island in the world? I CAN! Yes, for the last ten years that is exactly what I have had the privilege of doing! Through tough times and good, I have remained grateful to be a part of this island community I call home. It’s hard to believe the changes our beloved Isla Bonita has seen over the last decade, and each year seems to have its own share of problems and challenges.
I am of the mind that IF you have to work (yes, I AM a workin’ girl), do something you love and something that contributes towards the betterment of your community. Ultimately, there lies the reward…making positive changes that benefit our island is far more gratifying than a pay check, any day! We (The San Pedro Sun) know where we have made a difference and how our relentless reporting on issues that concern our people and environment have finally reached deaf ears. We will keep fighting the GOOD fight…staying focused on issues that matter to each and every one of you, regardless of your political party, gender, sexual preference or social/economic status.
Here’s to a fantastic 2015, full of prosperity, health, happiness and MAYBE the “Master Plan” promised for the island too? I know, I know…got to keep pushing buttons! Merry Christmas to ALL!
49 Mary PicMary- As I reflect on all the events that took place in 2014, and lessons learned, I realize that it’s been an interesting year for sure! It’s been a year of growth and personal improvements. I am thankful to be surrounded by hard-working people who have been wonderful in helping to put together a weekly newspaper and our monthly My Beautiful Belize.

It’s been an eye-opener traveling to different places, making new friends and learning new things every day. While our newspaper has had to report on crime and not-so-nice happenings, I’m comforted that because of The San Pedro Sun’s tenacious reporters and our hard-working Editor, We’ve been able to see things change for the better. I am always amazed to realize in some way, through our constant pushing and relentlessly asking the questions and making noise via the island’s only printed newspaper, we CAN make a difference.

In super exciting news: on April 11, 2015, I will officially hit the 10-year mark at The San Pedro Sun!! I am looking forward to celebrating that milestone, and am hopeful that together with Monique (and our new office baby), Janelle, Dennis, Jorge and Tamara, we can continue to bring you guys all the news.

For this holiday season, I wish everyone peace and kindness, love and prosperity into the New Year 2015. Merry Christmas everyone!!
49 Janelle Christmas PictureJanelle- With 2014 in the past, I would like to wish family, friends, and all of our reader the best in 2015. Let all your goals be accomplished and have a healthy and prosperous year. While 2014 was a good year, I am looking forward to an even grander one in 2015. I am thankful for all of the opportunities I got this past year, the new friends I have made and of course the experience I have had the privilege to gain. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
49 Monique PicMonique- What a year it has been for me, I’m sure for many of us, 2014 has taken us upon an unscripted path of its own. Resolutions?! Yeah right. For me, I’ve had emotional highs and lows but through it all one thing has remained constant, Family. 2014 has been a year of family to me, I’ve always counted them as one of my greatest blessings, and throughout the year life has reminded me why family and love are the greatest gifts of all. We may argue, fight and say things that the other might just not want to hear, but at the end of the day we are able to come together, wipe away the tears, and help each other along the way. 2014 has reminded me that each family is different. Whether it be your biological family, friends that are like family, or your work family – I urge you to take time out to appreciate and the “family” that has been there for you throughout the year during this holiday season.
Happy Holidays
49 JorgeJorge- The Christmas Season is always an occasion to celebrate with all our loved ones. For many, it’s a time to reflect on our accomplishments; an opportunity to evaluate ourselves and brace for the unexpected that the New Year brings.
For me, it’s a time to say thank you to my community, my country, my family, my people and The Great Creator of the Universe for being important elements and sources of inspiration. This year is particularly important because it ushers in 15 years of being the media. Even though it has been a constant challenge, it has been the most rewarding 15 years of my life. Meeting new people and going to new places, highlighting issues that can bring about much needed change in my community and country and highlighting our people is the best of the past year.
As we move into the year 2015, I look forward to serving humanity in the way I know best – through my reporting and my silent but constant community and humanitarian efforts. May the warmth of the Great Architect of the Universe light the hearts of each and every one with peace, love and goodwill and that amidst our celebration, remember that humanity needs us.
49 dennisDennis- Christmas is a time for family. Many times we take our loved ones for granted, because we believe they will be here forever. Quite often, that isn’t the reality. However, when they are gone we are left wishing we had TOLD them how much we loved them, and appreciated them, cared for them and how impactful they have been on our lives. This Christmas – I will embrace my loved ones, and tell them how much I love, appreciate and care for them. I encourage you to DO THE SAME!!!

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