Dear Editor:
For years the only option there was in San Pedro was the Catholic Church. Many people go there for a sense of community and to listen to the priest’s homily for some food for though. It is not that simple, they also use what is considered horrible tactics. They tell you about this amazing creator who created the world and is responsible for everything.
From a very young age your parents do not take the time to tell you why the sky is blue or why is water wet, yes why is water wet. It may sound like a kid thing to say but do you know why water is wet? Parents gave their kids a lazy and unintelligent answer, “God made it that way”. When they grow up they will be un-empathetic because when they see a poor family they will say “God made that that way”.
The Bible says poor people are blessed in spirit. It won’t tell you what happens to such a family when the oldest brother beats up the middle brother because he is emotionally stressed. The youngest brother is grown scared of the world because their mom listened to the words of the priest and neglected her kids. She believed him. A him – what advice can a man give a woman on how to be a good mother. The clear answer is NONE. That is right there are no female priests because the church is misogynistic.
To them women are less than men. His advice was to a 10 year old, “You are the man of the house you have to look after your siblings as well as your mom”. My mom being incompetent, she thought the priest said you don’t have to work, thus a 10 year old has to take control. Why did she think he said that, because he did? This man had no idea his words alone was going to destroy this family.
Back to the creator, the all loving God. There is one tiny problem if you don’t love me back and do as victor the pope and his “employees” the priests say, I’m sending you to hell for eternity. Telling this to kids is a form of child abuse because it messes them up psychologically. People need to know that there are more intelligent options for guidance.
I want to provide that for my community, I never want a kid to suffer what my family and I went through. Religion is a great device for separation. They easily disregard the different. Being different gives everyone a chance to learn something new. A kid with ADHA in old times would be considered possessed by Satan. Science took them in their obscurations, took their time and analyzed them. Science told them what they had and how to live with it.
Religion should stay out of childhood development because it encourages bullying. If the kids knew that me being poor was because of my father leaving and my mother neglecting, maybe they would not bully me and tease me to the point of self-hate. I would cry myself to sleep. Also their parents would not stop their kids from being friends because if I got invited to their party I couldn’t afford a gift. People need to be rightly educated. I am not here to criticize and bash but to call out the wrongdoings and give solutions.
/s/ Eric Donis