On January 19, 2024, the Blue Bond and Finance Permanence Unit handed over a Toyota Hilux Vehicle and an outboard engine to the Fisheries Department. This donation is valued at BZ$130,040 as part of a larger BZ$11.7 million investment being executed in the framework of the project titled “Establishing the enabling environment for the development of a Marine Spatial Plan through strengthened governance, improved management, and enhanced monitoring of Belize’s coastal and marine resources”. The vehicle was purchased to strengthen the fisheries governance and management effectiveness in Belize’s Blue Space, supporting Belize’s national development goals and Blue Bond commitments.
The project is being funded through the Belize Fund for a Sustainable Future utilizing the Government Strategic Allocation (GSA) facility earmarked for the Government and its agencies to support the achievement of the conservation milestones and commitments included in the Conservation Funding Agreement (CFA)- under the Blue Bond. The investment will further enable the Fisheries Department to effectively monitor and ensure compliance with the fisheries laws, which is vital to protecting Belize’s valuable marine areas and fisheries.
The Government of Belize continues to work alongside its on-the-ground partners to support the conservation and sustainable development of its marine resources through the Blue Bond Agreement.
The Fisheries Department is equipped with a Vehicle and an Outboard Engine as part of strengthening Belize Fisheries Governance and Management Eddectiveness in Belize’s Blue Space
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