The pre-season 8-ball Pool Tournament is draws closer to the end, and games are high-stakes. Each match continues to draw great intensity as different teams battle each weekend to stay in the competition.
The games last weekend took place at Average Joe’s Sports Bar and after tallying the points, Team Amigos continues in the lead with 118 points. The other teams’ scores are:
AJ Snipers 115
Hitman Recruits 110
Solid 107
Barrel Bar High Rollers 98
Dark N Tan 95
Captain Iguana 91
Underground 82
Maldonado 67
The Rookies 36
The next set of games for this coming weekend will be at One Barrel Bar. Games for Friday and Saturday start at 7PM, while Sunday games begin at 1PM.
Tournament organizers invite everyone to come out and support the teams in their continuing quest for glory. They also thank their sponsors for continuing to make this event possible.

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