Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Bowen and Bowen

Embassy of Belize in Washington D.C. Participates in Passport DC

On May 6, the Embassy of Belize in Washington D.C. joined more than 60 embassies during the “Around the World Embassy Tour.” “Events DC’s Around the World Embassy Tour and Passport DC attracts nearly 27,000 attendees each year and allows the diplomatic community to highlight the very best of their home countries,” said Angie M. Gates, Events DC President and CEO.

Caye Caulker slowly recovering from electricity and water outages

Power and water is slowly being restored to Caye Caulker

Heineken partners with Belize Brewing Company

Holland-based brewing company Heineken has acquired a minority stake in Belize Brewing Company Limited.

Belikin Beer’s 2018 Calendar officially unveiled in Belize City

The 2018 Belikin Beer Calendar was officially released at a launch party on Saturday, November 25th at Belize City’s Ramada Princess Hotel and Casino.

Bowen and Bowen Ltd introduces Belikin Light!

There is a brand new beer in the Belikin Family. ‘Belikin Light,’ was introduced on Tuesday, June 27th at the Belikin Brewing Company installations in Ladyville, north of Belize City.

Aiesha Moriera and Andrew Novelo are the islands top spellers

Aiesha Moriera from NHSDA and Andrew Novelo from ICES won the Spelling Bee Zone 5 Eliminations.

Bowen and Bowen experiencing product shortage

Over the Christmas holidays, residents observed long lines at the Bowen and Bowen distribution center in southern San Pedro Town. Businesses and residents alike...

Another government Minister embroiled in scandal

Another scandal is brewing and it involves the Minister of State in the Ministry of Works and Transport with the responsibility of Civil Aviation...