Friday, July 26, 2024

Development Finance Corporation

Ministry of Agriculture Hosts Improved Pasture Grass Demonstration Field Day

On August 16, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, in collaboration with various stakeholders, conducted a Pasture Grass Demonstration Plot Field Day at the Livestock Section in Central Farm, Cayo District. The field day was attended by 70 participants, which included farmers, technicians, extension officers, and students from the University of Belize.

DFC staff undergoing Important Environmental and Social Management System Training

The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) has implemented an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) in its loan operations to ensure the integration of best international environmental and social practices (including those related to gender and climate) in DFC’s screening and overall management of financed operations. As part of implementing the ESMS at the Corporation, a training was held on, August 8th, 2023, to enhance the knowledge of staff in the Northern Branch, on the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations.

Cabinet Brief for 29th June 2023.

The Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met on 28th June 2023. ● Cabinet received an update from the Minister of Agriculture on...

DFC signs BZD $11 MN Loan and Grant Agreement with ICDF Taiwan to support MSMEs with focus on women and green financing

On April 17, 2023, at the Office of the Prime Minister, the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the Government of Belize signed a Loan and Grant Agreement with the International Cooperation and Development Fund of Taiwan (TaiwanICDF) to co-finance with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on a parallel basis, a project to support the sustainability of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with a focus on women and green financing.

Cabinet Brief for the 1st December 2022

The Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño, met in regular session on 29th November 2022. During the briefing, Cabinet gave its approval for the repeal and replacement of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2020 with the Financial Services Bill to strengthen the regulatory powers of the commission and introduce several key provisions to ensure that it is in line with best international standards and obligations to ensure the integrity and compliance as well as promote Belize’s reputation for conducting and promoting good business

GOB and BCCI Convene Private Sector Focus Group Kick-off Meeting

As part of the Green Climate Fund (GCF)-funded Readiness Support for Strengthening Belize Private Sector Access to Climate Finance Project, a kick-off meeting was convened on November 16, 2021 to launch a collaborative process with a Private Sector Focus Group of key Belizean private sector partners. These partners belong to a broad range of organisations, from large corporations with in-depth sectoral expertise, financial institutions and regulators, national institutions promoting private sector engagement and inclusion, and trade associations.

Ministry of Agriculture and DFC Sign Technical Partnership to Better Serve and Provide Financing to Farmers

On Monday, September 20, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise (MoA) and the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) signed a Technical Partnership Agreement (TPA) enabling the two institutions to more effectively share knowledge, information, expertise and support the efficient provision of financing to Belizean farmers and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME).

GOB makes Historic Equity Investment in DFC

The Government of Belize (GOB) has made an equity investment of BZ$31.1 million into the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) comprising of a Debt-to-Equity Swap and a Conversion to Equity of two agency accounts namely, the European Union Sugar Cane Replanting Program (SCRP) and the Belize Rural Credit Fund Program (RCF).