Dr. Rachel Graham
New Shark species discovered in Belize has been identified
The identification was made by scientists of the Florida Institute of Technology, Mar-Alliance in Belize, Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory in Teresa, Florida and the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Shark fishing season comes to a close; Marine conservationists continue advocating for shark protection
The Belize Fisheries Department (BFD) is reminding licensed fishermen and the public in general that the shark fishing season officially closed from August 1st until October 31, 2017.
MarAlliace highlights coral reef health during movie night social
To further promote the importance of protecting our fragile reef, MarAlliace hosted a movie night on Thursday, July 27th, featuring the Netflix award-winning documentary “Chasing Coral”.
Discovery of new shark species in Belize emphasizes need for conservation
It has been confirmed by the Belize Fisheries Department that a new shark species has been discovered in Belize.
Staple fish species population declining
Restaurateurs are voicing concerns over the difficulties in obtaining certain fish species that were once bountiful, such as grouper and snapper.
MarAlliance conducts Sports Fish Studies
On Saturday January 31st MarAlliance conducted a full day of studies based around recreational fish species at the 2016 Captain Morgan’s Wahoo Tournament.
Local environmentalists weigh in on Blackadore Caye Project
After a public consultation was held on January 14th in San Pedro regarding the EIA of the development at Blackadore Caye, local environmentalists have been left with many questions and concerns.
Community and Society
Belize City’s Southside Kids swim with the Sharks and Rays
On Sunday September 28th, 19 children from Friends Boys School in Belize City visited the island to enjoy a day on the water as...