Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Fishing Season

Closure of the Florida Stone Crab Fishing Season

The Fisheries Department - Belize takes this opportunity to inform all fishers and the public that in accordance with the Fisheries Resources Act and Statutory Instrument No.108 of 2022 the Florida Stone Crab (Menippe mercenaria) fishing season is declared closed from July 1st to September 30th, 2023.

Queen Conch season closes on Sunday

The Belize Fisheries Department reminds everyone that the season of the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) will close on Sunday, May 14th. All fishing activities for the Queen Conch should cease as of this date until the next season, opening on October 1, 2023.

Conch season opens October 1st in Belize

The Queen Conch season officially opens from October 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The Belize Fisheries Department reminds the public that although the closing month for the season isn’t until June 2023, if the conch production quota is realized earlier, the season will be declared closed. In recent years, that quota has been set at 925,000 pounds.

Opening of the Lobster Fishing Season

Fisher and the public are encouraged to follow the Lobster Fishery regulation: 1. Minimum carapace length is 3 inches 2. Minimum tail weight is 4 ounces 3. It is illegal to have in possession any soft shell (molting) lobster or female with eggs (berried) 4. It is illegal to remove from any female lobster any eggs or spawn or the setae or fibre to with any eggs or spawn attached. 5. No person persons establishment should have in possession fillet or diced tail.

Lobster season officially closed: Fisheries indicates a productive season

On, Thursday, February 15th The Belize Fisheries Department officially announced the closing season for Spiny Lobster.

Lobster season comes to a close

The Belize Fisheries Department reminds the public that the Spiny Lobster (Palinuridae) lobster season officially closes on Wednesday, February 15th, and resumes on June 15th.

Queen Conch season reopens

After a three month hiatus, the 2016-2017 fishing season of the Queen Conch (Strumbus Gigas) officially re-opened on Saturday, October 1st.