Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Martin Alegria

Owner of Samahdi Yacht issued six-figure fine for coral damage at Lighthouse Reef Atoll

Video footage filmed by local divers at the site known as ‘The Aquarium’ at Long Caye in Lighthouse Reef Atoll, depicted the alleged destruction of live corals by the anchor of a large yacht called Samahdi on Sunday, February, 9th. By the time rangers of the Belize Audubon Society and elements of the Belize Coast Guard responded to the reports, the vessel had left. Its owner, who was not on the yacht at the time, reportedly has since been in contact with the Government of Belize to address the unfortunate incident. Following an assessment from the Department of the Environment (DOE), it is alleged that a $150,000BZ fine was issued for damages caused by the yacht.

Clearing of mangroves and garbage dumping in southern Ambergris Caye lagoon raise concerns

Over the past several weeks' residents south of San Pedro Town have observed large areas of mangroves being cleared bit by bit, while tons of sargassum and loads of garbage are dumped into the lagoon with the apparent purpose of filling the wetland habitat into land.

Dredging taking place in Caye Chapel despite lack of EIA

Reports of dredging activities on Caye Chapel are once again raising concerns.

Belize disposes of 35-year-old chemical hazard

POLYECO, has been contracted by DOE to remove these pollutants from Belize and to destroy them safely by burning them in France.

Caye Chapel beach creation project starts without EIA

Recent reports of a beach project on Caye Chapel has raised concerns among government officials and the tourism sector, as it has started without the benefit of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Stakeholders review assessment of the Environmental Clearance Process

A one-day consultation held on Wednesday, December 14th in Belize City brought together stakeholders from the public sector and environmental community to a validation workshop on the Assessment of the Environment Clearance process report.

DOE orders shut down of Captain Morgan’s Retreat; Heredia intervenes for extension

Captain Morgan’s has been in non-compliance with the DOE for several years due to improperly installed sewer waste treatment system.

Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage calls for EIA for Offshore Seismic Survey

The Belize Coalition to Save Our Natural Heritage has called on the Government of Belize (GOB) to first conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for a proposed multi-beam and seismic line survey for hydrocarbon seepage in Belize’s deep seas outside the Barrier Reef.